It happened. Somewhere out of the blue I found myself, on what started out as a normal and rather exciting Sunday afternoon ended with me crying into my boyfriends shoulder. "I Cant, I cant" I kept saying to him in between sobs and mass hysteria. What caused all this commotion you may ask? Well let me tell you a little story about a little girl whom, after finding the most charming man ever, who adores her and treats her like the princess midget she is, realizes that it wont always be this easy. The thing is, and I'm sure I've said this before, but dating for me, properly dating that is, is a painful experience. Which is why, before meeting my prince I had decided to forgo the entire thing and opt for a simpler life of work, friends and champagne (because every pseudo princess needs champagne).
Anyways, and then I met my darling, it was rather unexpected but pleasant surprise to learn that I could still be...well surprised. For one he thought I was hilarious (who doesn't like that?) and two he is just...agh no words can describe it. Anyways after many months of dating, going on too many adventures to count we found ourselves at a crossroads. The inevitable next step to any relationship. Meeting the parents...yes people THE PARENTS EEEEEEEKKKKK. Now before you think he was born into a cult of some sort let me just tell you that that isn't the case. In actual fact his parents, whom I'd interacted with once are very nice, friendly and polite. That being said this coming weekend I will find myself in Britanny in the South West of France with my darling and his family before going to Italy.
Now whilst we had prepared to tell them about my status this summer, on Sunday after talking about our trip, his family and the like I realized that I wasn't ready. I had spent so much of my time prepping him for telling his parents that I forgot to prep myself. To ask myself how I would feel once they knew and how I would take the reaction (good or bad) and the truth hit me like a ton of bricks, I just wasn't at that place yet. Disclosing to anyone is hard, disclosing to the parents of the man you love feels, well impossible if you ask me. But it must be done but for now we have put off the idea completely until I am ready and in the mean time I will be seeking some help of my own in the form of