Friday, May 8, 2015

I'm a woman. What's your super power?

Yes this is a feminist inspired post, and why shouldn't it be? For many years now women have been getting the bad end of the stick and society has been fashioned around patriarchal ideals that insist on keeping women down. Take the case of HIV for instance. Amongst the millions of people living with HIV more than 50% are women and the most at risk? Women. Why you may ask? No its not because we are genetically the weaker sex but because of the various social issues surrounding the spread of HIV infections including gender based violence (of which women are the most affected), poverty (again mostly women are affected) and I could go on and on. But still, despite all the social issues women face on  daily basis, we manage to rise, we manage to do things that only women can do, like multi task (ok this is a generalization I know but allow me this one). Its just that for my entire life I have been raised by women, strong willed, hard working women. Women who play mother and father, provider, protector and nurturer. And in my own life now living with two males (my boyfriend and our friend) I am astonished by how much is left in my hands. Not because men are incapable, but because whether society likes to admit it or not, women are capable. I mean between doing laundry (Yes people I actually do laundry), cooking, cleaning etc. Its all somehow left in my hands because on the odd occasion that I leave it I find myself frustrated with the untidy house, dirty dishes and dirty laundry. All things that men CAN and SHOULD do if you ask me but that they don't. When I ask my two darlings why, the answer is always the same "I am tired", "work is crazy", "I am stressed" cue side eye here ladies. As if these things don't affect us either, but the nurturer that I am I allow them these luxuries of food and clean clothes (I draw the line at ironing, I HATE IRONING), so that when they come home (I work from home so the assumption is that I am a women of leisure, far from by the way) everything is taken care of. I know some may say I spoil them, sometimes I agree but I must admit that they spoil me in other ways. The point is being a woman, waking up to a world that expects so much of us but is fast to call us the weaker sex, we are super heroes, at least that's my thinking.

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