Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Re-entry

HELLO Bloggersphere. I know, its been way too damn long but lets be honest, if you are a blogger, or even if you pretend to be, you soon come to realize that this is a HUGE commitment, and being of the state of mind I was in last year, I just couldn't, not then but now after thinking upon the new year, what I like, what I love, and what I simply do not care for I came to the very real conclusion that story telling, in what ever form it presents itself, is one of my favorite things. I naturally overshare. I need to go to the loo, EVERYONE has to know, I'm feeling upset/happy/sad/thoughtful, someone has to know. Its the way I am, I like to share, to write, to tell my stories because after all, we are all just the sum of the experiences we have in what ever form they present themselves. That being said I thought long and hard about my little space of the internet and realized how much I missed it, however trivial it may seem to some. It was a way to keep record of my stories, my life and sometimes (ok often) rethink them, go back on them or simply laugh out loud and how little I knew. So now I am back, and this time, Inshallah it will be for the long haul.