Inspired by one of my personal favorite bloggers
Garance Dore, I thought we might start off with the most obvious, FOOOOOOOD. Partly because I love food but also because I think its important to have some frank discussions about what we put into our bodies and why. Over the years I've felt my eating habits change and with that my perspective on food and my body have changed too. I am in no way an advocate for diets of any kind but I am pro healthy eating. And before you argue that eating well costs too much, consider this: currently at home fruit and veg for a week for 3 cost about R200.00..Yes just R200.00. That is supplemented by a heavy dose of chicken (about 4 times a week), red meat (once a week) and eggs.
Here are my answers to questions I think we should all be asking ourselves....
What do you eat on an average day?
Breakfast: I like to alternate my breakfasts, mainly because if I ate the same thing over and over again I think I might just seriously. Usually my weekday menu looks a little something like this; muesli, fresh fruit, yoghurt and honey twice a week, pancakes once a week and some variation of an egg dish twice a week which can be anything from scrambled eggs, creamy mushrooms, rosa tomatoes and toast or an omelet. On weekends I usually go with the flow, I wake up later than usual so it mostly turns out to be some sort of brunch. My boyfriend is obsessed with my creamy scrambled eggs on toasted ciabatta, with creme fraiche and smoked trout drizzled with some lemon juice and some rosa tomato's and fresh herbs on the side so I try to make that on weekends for brunch.
Lunch: As I work from home, lunch is usually last nights left overs, if not something from the cafe down the road from my house. i am not a huge salad alone girl so I cant say I have much of it on its own, usually it has to have something else to grab my attention.
Dinner: Dinner is usually when I cook for my boyfriend and our friend who lives with us. cooking for two men is no small feat. They are both extremely picky and love food so I always have to bring my A game. Mondays however I put my foot down and force them to eat meat free meals. From creamy cheese spinach pasta to salmon. And the rest of the time I make some variation of chicken. I love making my famous butter chicken curry and creamy mushroom chicken with rice. I dont like red meat too much so we only eat it about once a week. And of course most meals are accompanied by wine, glorious wine.
Snacks: I love snacking but I don't like chocolate, weird I know. So snacks for me are usually protein like eggs with a slice of toast or fruit.
Do you have a food philosophy?
I don't know if its a philosophy so much as it is a lifestyle choice. Since being diagnosed I have tried many things to keep healthy. The great thing is that it wasn't much of a change from my normal diet it just meant being more aware of what I eat. I love food so I cant claim to follow any sort of diet or eating plan, even the paleo plan seems cruel to me and you can eat good food on that. I just eat what ever I want with a huge dose of fruit and veg. And since discovering green juices when my mom made them for me when I was very sick I love to have them a few times a week.
How is this different to the food philosophy of your parents?
My adoptive mother has always been so great about healthy living and eating. So with her everything had veg and fruit. I mean she started me on juicing when I was very sick when I was first diagnosed before juicing ever became cool. So I follow that
way of eating which is everything in moderation and with lots of veg and fruit. My biological mother had a different food philosophy though. I guess she knew a little less about nutrients so my diet back then was very much maize and meat. I did however get my love for cooking from my biological mother Paulina who was a great cook. She made a lasagna to die for and always made the best meals. The funny thing is though that when I was about 4 my biological mom met my now adoptive mother and my adoptive mother asked her about my red hair. I had like red red hair. It was kind of funny. My mom thought because I ate three meals a day that was fine but my adoptive mom Deseree told her that she needed to incorporate more fruit and veg into my diet. I guess that's how the journey of all of us began, with my red hair.
How do you fit food into your lifestyle?
For me food is an important part of my life, I mean its how we fuel our bodies so for me food is important part of my lifestyle. My favorite weekly trip is to the Carriera food market in randburg to do the weekly shop. Nothing makes me happier than finding great in season fruit and veg. Eating and cooking is a way I communicate with the world, how I say "i love you" and how I cure most of my ailments.
Do you eat at your desk ? Do you check your phone while eating ? Or do you always have company ?
Sadly working from home 75% of the time means I often eat at my desk. I check my phone and computer all at once and I know its terrible but it comes with working from home but every now and then I'll stop and enjoy my food. Dinner is ALWAYS an event though so I try not feel so bad about lunch at my desk.
When your jeans get too tight, what’s your solution?
Try to cut down on carbs or switch my jeans for a skirt or dress, ha ha. Seriously I mean there are other more accommodating clothing items that don't include jeans.
Do you exercise ?
What either than sex? ha ha. Yeah I try to. My boyfriend and I are currently going to gym 3 times a week which is great, but lets see how long that lasts, he he.
The one food you can’t resist.
There are so many. I mean ribs, mango, french fries....the list goes on.
Any book you’ve read / documentary you’ve watched that changed your point of view on food?
Not really. And I once attended a vegan convention and watched some horrific stuff. I'm not into scare tactics. I think we should eat what we want but be conscious etc. I think showing people these really gross/scary videos isn't helping.
Anything you’ve learned about eating well ?
Portion control. There is a fine line between eating for fuel and eating out of greed. Eat until you are full.
How do you feel about your body?
It changes. I mean I love my ass, back and legs no matter what size, the rest I struggle with. I think it depends on the day, but mostly I am happy with it. Its my body after all and as my mom always says its the only one I have. It will always be a work in progress but that's ok.
Any strange food/eating habits?
Not really. I think the strangest thing is just how much I love food. Its a pretty intense love affair, sometimes when the food is really really good I even do a food I said, intense.