Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May Day May Day

image via garancedore.fr/en
For as long as I can remember, I have had a love hate relationship with the month of May. Mainly because it reminds me just how quickly the year has gone, and also because it marks the slow countdown to my birthday (May 20th eeeeeeeek). Unlike last year however, with just 15 days until my birthday I feel rather cool calm and collected, like the feeling you get when you know that everything will be ok! That's me right now, very zen (maybe its the wine but lets pretend its au natural). My change in mindset may have something to do with my steady relationship (we have to discuss this soon), the piles of projects I am currently working on that are making me happy and the fact that after deciding to not celebrate my birthday last year I've changed my mind because I've realized that in all actuality, getting older is a step in the right direction, to a place of acceptance, no more body woes and wisdom, and who doesn't want to be wiser?

For the most part what I am learning is to breathe a little easier. I know that as Generation Y we are often criticized for wanting too much too soon and for the most part that's true, but if you take a closer look at why we are the way we are, the internet has a big part to play in it all. From online sensations turned mega stars (I'm looking at you Justin Bieber) to the rise of reality TV, we are more connected than ever to whats happening around us and its easy to feel a little FOMO (I literally started liking my life more when Rihanna was off instagram, I felt like maybe we were living the same life - a girl can dream no?). Anyways, I for one have thought to myself on several occasions how nice it would be to be in Rihanna's shoes, I mean HELLO, who wouldn't? Or maybe be tech savvy enough to launch the new Facebook and become a billionaire in no time at all, but the reality is, that's not the reality for 99% of us so why bother stressing about it?

And yes it may seem when someone your age (like Taylor Swift who is 25 turning 26 like me) is globe trotting and dropping billboard 100 hits like its nothing, that you've failed, I sure felt like I have. But the thing is, that's her journey and I am sure even Ms. Swift wishes for something else sometimes, that's human nature after all. The point is to just get busy living, keep doing what you love and get on with it. Before you know it you'll be 65 and yes you may not have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame to show, or chart toppers but you should be happy with what you've created for yourself. So please excuse me whilst I plan a very chic (and budget friendly - I dont have Taylor bucks) party for my upcoming birthday and return to my zen state (that means another glass of wine).

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