Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The woman I want to be....

AGH, I am 26, (enter existential crisis). No, not really, actually my last one was last year, this year leading up to my birthday I was so preoccupied with work and life that my birthday was secondary to everything else. I mean sure, I love a good party and presents (who doesnt?) but this year the road to 26 was pretty much like the road to any other birthday. Perhaps this is because I feel a sense of calm knowing whats to come, including lots of fun work projects, travel and winter (it isnt as cold as it was last year). This year however I did realized a few things, so here is my list of 10 things I've learnt thus far:

1. No is a complete sentance, and its certainly one worth learning.
2. Its ok to not be a club rat anymore (although I will admit to changing my mind every so often when I really want to go dancing).
3. Work can actually be fun (yes, that is if you love what you do, if not, I suggest taking a serious look at your work)
4.  Its totally ok to wake up on your birthday and work, your no longer the young twenty something year old you once were and thats ok, because you also know that with hard work comes play and nice holidays (yep thats me this morning)
5. To rethink all your friendships, no longer are you looking for friends for friendships sake, your looking for substance.
6. Spring cleaning your entire closet is totally in order, especially as you have slowly realized that your actually not into "can barely breathe" jeans.
7. Getting drunk alone with your favourite song on repeat is your idea of a good night out and thats totally fine.
8. Going to bed at 10pm is not only good for your skin but also for your health.
9. Starting to think about your wedding day is totally normal, single or coupled up, the thoughts are starting to form around the kind of marraiage you might want to have, starting of course with a nice party (aka wedding).
10. You like making lists, that's also totally normal and you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Now let me get back to work and blowing our imaginary candles (no cake this year just jazz with my mom and brother later, lots of good wine and risotto)

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